If you check it out, you may find that almost everyone is following some dieting guideline or another, while others are planning to introduce popular diet fads into the world. Many people are on diets, but they aren't sure if it will actually work for them, while others who are on diets are living testimonies of the fantastic effects of dieting. Many who are obese or overweight are always trying some new diet or another, to lose weight and stay healthy. There are several types of popular diets that have been proven to be effective in losing weight. Let's look a few of the more popular diets that many people are trying.
The Atkins Diet
The Atkins diet is also called the "low carb" diet and it became popular in 1972 when Dr. Atkins published his first book on Nutritional Approach. This particular diet was designed to make you lose weight fast, however, if you are not careful, then the weight will return after a period of time. This diet is one of the most popular diets today, but it's a very controversial subject, as many have complained of heart problems and kidney damage due to following the guidelines of this diet.
The Medifast Diet
The Medifast diet is another popular one, mainly because the food comes pre-packed and therefore all you need to do is microwave and eat the food. In this diet, you will forgo complicated food preparations and you will get a wide selection of different types of meals for all your meal servings which includes snack bars, eggs, soups, cold and hot drinks and even puddings; to give you a few examples. The reason why Medifast is so popular is because it will guide you from one level to another until you have reached your dream weight.
The Paleo Diet
Certainly a diet fad! The emphasis is on the kind of food that people ate ages ago, like in the days of the ancient cave men or people who inhabited forests. This diet allows you to eat foods like nuts, roots, meat and fish, while you are not allowed to eat grains, dairy, salt and sugar. Even though Anthropologists have dismissed claims of its effect, there are some who have testified to its contribution to help them lose weight. (Come to think of it anyone would lose weight if they abstain from sugar.)
The South Beach Diet
This particular diet was designed by a Dietician and a Heart Specialist. It also increased in popularity due to its intended purpose of preventing cardiovascular diseases. This diet consists of three stages with a central objective of replacing all the bad fatty acids with good fatty acids. Even though each stage will allow you to eat certain foods until you reach your ideal weight, the problem is, it doesn't last long, mainly because the weight creeps right back on.
All these popular diets are only effective in helping you maintain your perfect weight, if you continue to eat those healthy natural fresh foods in moderate portions. If you are on a popular diet be certain to set realistic goals. Also, you will need to practice sensible eating habits to get that shape that you have always desired.
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