Rabu, 27 September 2017

6 Reasons Why Popular Diets And Sex Make For Successful Weight Loss

You can achieve real weight reduction, by incorporating sex as a form of physical exercise, with any of the major popular diets on the market today to see weight loss results. There has been a fair amount of research done (go figure) on this topic and the conclusions point to the fact that there are many benefits to including sexual activity into your overall weight loss. And medical research bears this claim out when you look at these 6 reasons at to why making sex a mainstay exercise, when combined with the most popular diets on the market can support your weight loss goals.

    Sex is Good Exercise - Stated simply sex helps to burn calories because of the physical nature of the activity. As with any aerobic exercise your heart rate increases and the longer you are engaged in the process (and who doesn't love that) the more calories you will burn. Those that are slightly more adventurous in terms of changing into different positions more frequently can actually build muscle, which also burns calories. To be clear you are not going to turn into an Olympic athlete simply by having sex, but engaging in sexual activity is very good complementary exercise to an overall physical fitness routine.
    Sex Makes You Feel Good - Before you say "Thank You Captain Obvious" hear me out. A satisfying sexual experience (however one defines that) usually puts most people in a better mental state. And when you feel better about yourself it is easier to focus on trying to be healthier, including concentrating on weight loss. Incorporating sex into your overall physical fitness routine is a good way to complement a diet and exercise plan because the better you feel and the happier your mood is, the easier it is to reach your goal.
    You'll Be Motivated to Eat More Healthfully - If you have decided to lose some amount of weight and have looked at any of the popular diets that can provide real results, increasing your sexual activity will keep you focused on eating properly. Several people I have worked with on weight loss programs use sex as a personal reward. So, for example, if they were able to stick to their diet and exercise plan on a particular day they rewarded themselves accordingly. If not, they abstained until meeting their goal the next day. Doing this serves as a very real and powerful motivator to stay on track (assuming your partner is supportive of this approach).
    When You Are Alone You Eat More - One of the challenges in following any of the popular diets that focus on tracking what you specifically eat, is not straying off a defined meal plan. That can be hard to do when you are alone as most people have a tendency to eat more when they are by themselves. I am not suggesting being with someone will guarantee you will lose weight. But it does improve your chances of staying on a diet as they can serve to remind you to stay on your plan.
    Stress Reduction - Simply engaging in sex is a great stress reliever both in terms of physical exercise as well as through our body's release of endorphins which happens during orgasm. That has the immediate effect of feeling good physically. Less stress can also keep you more motivated to stay with a diet and exercise plan over the long term.
    You Partner Will Support Your Weight Loss Goals - We all need support when losing weight. Simply telling your husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, or partner of your weight loss goal and your need of their active participation as part of your exercise routine is bound to get their involvement, and that's a good thing

When you are considering popular diets for weight loss, keep in mind the role that exercise plays in helping you reach goals and consider sex a useful and fun addition to any diet and exercise plan.

Senin, 11 September 2017

3 Keys To Choosing The Most Popular Diets for Effective Weight Control

When it comes to selecting from any of the most popular diets available online you need to balance the results a particular program claims against the weight loss goals you are looking to achieve. While the claims made among several of the top diets, often confirmed by thousands of participants may very well be real, that doesn't necessarily mean a specific diet and exercise program is right for you. You can easily lose weight quickly but that doesn't necessarily mean you will keep the weight off over the long term. Having counseled people on exercise and weight loss for years, I have developed three keys anyone should consider when looking to lose weight based on the most popular diets and programs you may choose to follow.

    Decide On Your Primary Weight Loss Goal - Picking a weight loss program all depends on what your primary goal is. Short term (e.g. I need to drop 10 pounds before the 20th high school re-union), long term, and the amount of weight you would like to lose. All of these factors play a role in what will ultimately help you decide which program to fit that is right for you.
    Most Popular Diets Can Impact Your Lifestyle - This arguably one of the biggest elements to picking any diet and exercise plan and will play a significant role on whether or not you achieve weight loss success. The term "lifestyle" is important to understand because if you don't buy into the changes that a particular program wants you to follow you won't be successful. For instance, I like preparing my own food and eating organic food so an effective diet plan like The Diet Solution Program makes sense for me. When reviewing any of the most popular diets ask yourself how much exercise you like or want to incorporate into your day to day routine, whether or not not you like to prepare you own foods, if you are up for tracking the amount of food you consume on a daily basis, and if you feel that you can adjust (or see yourself doing so overtime) to the major requirements that the program requires. All of these factors will help you determine what program will work for you.
    Do You Want to Lose Weight or Have a Better Diet? - Although you can have both you should ask yourself what you are really trying to achieve when assessing the most popular diets and exercise programs. You can be healthier simply by following a more healthy diet although that may not necessarily lead to weight loss. There are obvious medical considerations for losing weight, something that the most effective diets like Fat Burning Furnace, the Diet Solution Program, Truth About Abs, and the South Beach Diet all can help you achieve. It's just important to understand what your primary motivation is. We all want better health and sometimes weight loss is really what we need, but in other cases simply improving what you eat is really your end goal.

When looking at the most popular diets make sure to review these three key areas to make sure that the program you select is one that you can really stick with and that it will have the positive impact you are looking for.